A detailed description of my employment record can be found in the Info section.
Main projects delivered with Úti Inni Arkitektar, Reykjavik (2016-2019)
Role: project leader
Left to right: Urridaholtstraeti 27, Sjonarvegur 5 (centre and right)
Main projects I worked on during employment at Meier Hug Architekten, Zürich (2014-2015) and
Christian Kerez Architekten, Zürich (2013).
Role: project architect
Left to right: Uptown Mels with Meier Hug, Lyon Confluence with Christian Kerez (centre and right)
Main projects I contributed to during internships with Jordi Colomer, Barcelona (2011), Pezo Von
Ellrichshausen, Chile (2009) and Carré Houssais Architectures (2008-2009)
Role: intern
Left to right: ‘Abierto x Obras’ with Jordi Colomer, ‘I was there’ with Pezo Von Ellrichshausen and St Martin with Carré Houssais
Selection of construction and carpentry work with the art collectives EXYZT, Paris (2010), The Travelling
Embassy of Rockall, Reykjavik (2016) and Le 6B (2010-2011).
Role: carpenter/builder
Left to right: Grandi festival with Rockall, Far 6b with Le 6B and St Jean en Royans with EXYZT
Sample of architectural models built during employment and for my own student work.
Top row, left to right: Urridaholtstraeti 27 and Sjonarvegur 5 (both Úti Inni Arkitektar), Bakehouse (Student project)
Middle row, left to right: Bakehouse (Student Project), FABRIC (Pezo Von Ellrichshausen) and Hilbre Island (Student Project)
Bottom row, left to right: Burrell Textures (Student Project) and Workshop model (Student Project